CROOKED MILE TOURS is an independent van rental – tour support & logistics service located on the outskirts of Innsbruck, Austria with partner branches in Dortmund, Germany – Milan, Italy and Prague, Czech Republic. Conveniently located in the heart of the Alps, we are within day-reach of several international airports (Zurich, Munich, Milan, Salzburg, Vienna, Prague, Venice, Frankfurt etc..) and very easy to access by car and public transportation.
Officially launched at the end of 2016 after relocating to Austria, but active under different monikers since 2002, CROOKED MILE TOURS is a full time operation raised on a steady diet of dark roast coffee, diy work ethics and fueled by an ever increasing love and respect for music and touring. Like most of the people we encountered and gravitated around early on, we cut our teeth as diy promoters in venues of different sizes and collaborated with a number of record labels, record stores and local promoters that laid the groundwork in the ´80s and ´90s and sparked our interest from the get-go. The lack of sosphisticated navigation devices and social media at the time (remember flip phones, slow internet and beat up road maps?) allowed us to explore, connect and forge ties with people from different musical and political backgrounds in a way that shaped our identities and that we still consider vital today. As time went by and our network of contacts and bag of experience expanded, we transitioned from promoting local shows for international touring bands to setting up european tours of various lengths and entities and providing all the necessary services within the span of a few years. In order to learn the basics from scratch and be directly involved rather than directing from behind a desk, countless days were spent on the road and put to good use in the years to come. Fast forward to 2022 and drawing on almost two decades of daily experience in the music industry at various levels, we take pride in providing a great customer service and specialize in supplying the most modern and reliable vehicles together with ad-hoc solutions for bands and artists of all kinds and sizes.